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Tag Archives: UAE Migrant

March 11, 2023
March 11, 2023

Germany is a popular destination for a migrant coming from the UAE – and it is no wonder why! 

With its bustling cities, world-class educational institutions, and vibrant culture, Germany offers an exciting journey for those looking to build a new life. 

The UAE migrant experience in Germany is filled with unique opportunities and challenges, and this article will explore what it takes to make the transition from the UAE to Germany. 

From finding the right visa and residence permit to meeting the language and cultural requirements, this article will provide an in-depth look into Germany migration from UAE.

Reflection on Challenges and Rewards of Migration Journey to Germany

The UAE migrant experience is one of great challenges and rewards. Migration to Germany is often a difficult journey for many UAE migrants, but it can also lead to great rewards. 

The challenge of migration to Germany begins with the process of obtaining a visa. Germany has a very restrictive visa policy and requires that migrants demonstrate their financial and legal capability to live and work in the country. 

Furthermore, the visa process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring the submission of a range of documents and other evidence to prove one’s eligibility. 

Once the migrant has been granted a visa, the journey to Germany can be long and arduous. The distance between the UAE and Germany is great, and the cost of travel can be prohibitive for many migrants. 

The culture and traditions of Germany can be quite different from what is practiced in the UAE, which can make it difficult for migrants to adjust and feel at home in their new country.

Additionally, the process of settling in a new country can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. Migrants need to have access to resources that can help them adjust to their new lives in Germany.

Despite the challenges of migration to Germany, the journey can be rewarding. Germany is a highly developed country with a strong economy and a high standard of living. 

This can provide migrants with the opportunity to find stable employment and gain access to better educational and healthcare opportunities. 

Furthermore, migrants can take advantage of the cultural diversity of Germany and learn about different cultures, customs, and traditions.

Ultimately, the journey of migration to Germany is a difficult and rewarding one. Although there are many challenges to overcome, the rewards of a successful migration to Germany can be great. 

By understanding the process and preparing for the journey, UAE migrants can make the most of their migration experience and reap the rewards of life in Germany.


The UAE migrant experience of travelling to Germany has been a journey filled with both exciting and challenging moments. 

It has been an experience that has taught the migrants valuable lessons about how to successfully migrate to Germany from UAE

These lessons include understanding the culture and language of the country, as well as applying for the right visa, and being aware of the country’s laws and regulations. 

Despite the challenges, the UAE migrants have shown that they are determined to make the journey a success and become successful in Germany.